I am Enlightened Defenders, Communications minister of The West Pacific. We are quite impressed with Eastern Roman Empire, your forums are quite nice, your structure is like our own, and It has come to our attention that your region seeks to become a top 10 region.
We have adopted a new foreign policy a while back, We understand that the key to strong inter-regional friendships are rooted in real benefits, and we have many options to find such gains for your noble region.
If it pleases you, I would be honored to represent The West Pacific here, and represent you in our legislature.
I am not aware of a EREA embassy in The West Pacific, and that is a shame, there is great potential for us both.
In recent times, We have built a colossal allied community of regions. and are pursuing some of the most ambitious projects in recent NS memory.
a few projects that may interest you include, but are not limited to:
membership into a massive voting block that dominates the WA
A fearsome mutual defense network, that can offer complete security to member regions with the force of nearly 100 defensive units.
Exception from adspam guidelines that will allow for you to have a significant recruitment advantage in TWP above all non allied regions.
invitation, and hosting of lavish events in your honor to celebrate your unique cultural identity, and a platform to meet, and create strong diplomatic ties with the key power barons across NS.
We are a leader in the innovation of visual media aids that will bring attention, and new life to your region, and build your image in the way you feel is best. We would be happy to create cultural, recruitment, and other forms of video aids to assist your growth, and pursuit of NS dominance.
strong cultural exchange programs, that seek to find the best, most productive aspects of each of our regions, and raise support to apply them to our own regions.
admission to the big 10 conferences as a TWP ally, and a up and coming region.
these are some of our most popular treaties, but we have far more ambitious projects in the works. It would honor us, and make us glad if you would allow me you speak about the advantages, and disadvantages associated with these projects.
If you agree to allow me to represent TWP to you, and you to TWP, I pledge that I will be transparent about all issues, and seek your interests first, and then find a non-offensive, yet profitable way to find incentives for TWP.
Thank you for your time, and we request that you consider establishing an embassy in TWP.
if you have any questions, would like to refuse our envoy, or would just like to speak, please contact me at will. I will provide a quick, and informative response.
May the sun never set on the glorious region of The Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
Enlightened Defenders
Communications Minister of The West Pacific