Saturday, January 19, 2008

Welcome Lord Elgin the Thieve

We welcome The Fiefdom of Lord Elgin the Thieve ( as the 250th member nation state in 01 Eastern Roman Empire Region.

The Fiefdom of Lord Elgin the Thieve is a small, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 18 million are ruled with an iron fist by the corrupt, dictatorship government, which oppresses anyone who isn't on the board of a Fortune 500 company. Large corporations tend to be above the law, and use their financial clout to gain ever-increasing government benefits at the expense of the poor and unemployed.
There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, corrupt, moralistic individuals devotes most of its attentions to Law & Order, with areas such as Social Welfare and Religion & Spirituality receiving almost no funds by comparison. Income tax is unheard of. A large private sector is led by the Retail industry, followed by Woodchip Exports and Book Publishing.
Elections have been outlawed and meat is a luxury afforded only to the wealthy. Crime is a problem. Lord Elgin the Thieve's national animal is the karyatis, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the pound.

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