Monday, March 19, 2007

Welcome Empire of Comnemnus !

We welcome The Empire of Comnemnus ( as the 43th member nation state in 01 Eastern Roman Empire Region.

The Empire of Comnemnus is a small, economically powerful nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 12 million are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night.
The medium-sized, corrupt, pro-business government is mainly concerned with Law & Order, although Religion & Spirituality and Defence are on the agenda. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 6%. A robust private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Beef-Based Agriculture and Furniture Restoration.
Employers may fire workers without giving any reason, scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, all tariffs have been abolished, and a dictator has seized power and outlawed elections. Crime is a serious problem. Comnemnus's national animal is the Ant, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Sweat of Alun.

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