Wednesday, September 5, 2007
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Here it is the latest census of Eastern Roman Empire Allied Regions:
- Hellenic Civilization 297 nation states - 6 of them WA members, 281 Billionaires - (714,859,000,000 people), positioned 18th among all 6,499 NS Regions
- Eastern Roman Empire 298 nation states - 9 of them WA members, 271 Billionaires - (714,490,000,000 people), positioned 19th among all 6,499 NS Regions
- Solar System 2 nation states - 2 Billionaires - (127,533,000,000 people)
- Greek Islands 82 nation states - 4 of them WA members, 46 Billionaires - (94,379,000,000 people)
- Empire of the Romans 12 nation states - 2 of them WA members, 12 Billionaires - (176,645,000,000 people)
- Athens 25 nation states - 31 Billionaires - (83,606,000,000 people)
- Aegean Sea 6 nation states, 6 Billionaires
- Lacedaemon 2 nation states, 11 Billionaires
- Empire of Rome 6 nation states - 6 Billionaires - (71,366,000,000 people)
- Glorious Praetorian Empire 12 nation states - 3 of them WA members, 12 Billionaires - (48,468,000,000 people)
- Balkan Peninsula 3 nation states - 4 Billionaires - (31,220,000,000 people)
- Western Roman Empire 3 nation states - 3 Billionaires - (12,895,000,000 people)
- Antioch 8 nation states - 1 of them WA member, 7 Billionaires - (13,608,000,000 people)
- Environment 12 nation states - 2 of them WA members, 11 Billionaires - (9,993,000,000)
- Konstantinoupolis 4 nation states - 3 Billionaires - (5,957,000,000 people)
- Members in affiliated and colonized regions 69 nation states - 59 Billionaires (132,815,000,000)
TOTAL: 841 nations states - 30 WA members, 774 Billionaires - (2,507,293,000,000 people) - theoretically positioned 8th among all 6,154 NS Regions.01 Eastern Roman Empire Alliance is the place where the Empire of the Byzantine Glory was born on December 28th, 2006.
Capital of the region is Constantinople.
All nation states believing in freedom and independence, mutual self respect, common defense against any invader and hard work for the progress of their people may benefiting to become parts of the Empire.
On Feb. 8th, 2007 the Region (Byzantine Glory)elected member of the DSA (Defenders Security Alliance), on Feb. 27th of the DSA Council of Regions and on May 10th of the Cabinet of Internal Affairs Commission of DSA. On November 2nd, 2007 Byzantine Glory was elected as DSA Deputy Secretary of State. On December 31st, 2007 Byzantine Glory was appointed as DSA Ambassador in Great Britain and Ireland Region.
On April 10th, 2008 Byzantine Glory was succeeded by Prince Alexander of Byzantine Glory, who leaded the ERE Alliance since then from the new Alliance location of 01 ERE Alliance Headquarters and later on from Eastern Roman Empire Region. After 01 ERE Alliance dominated the Region of Eastern Roman Empire then the Alliance was renamed so as Eastern Roman Empire Alliance and many nations including the Founder nation of Byzantine Glory have relocated there.
National Holiday: May 10th
Position among NS regions 9th out of 6,999 , 807 nations, WA members 29, 764 Billionaires, population over 2,673 billion people.
The Regional off site Forum is located at:
WA Delegate Eastern Roman Empire: ComnemnusWA Delegate Greek Islands: KKE Greece
WA Delegate Empire of the Romans: Vasileia Romaion
WA Delegate Empire of Rome: -
WA Delegate Environment: Fisenesia
Founder: The Empire of Byzantine Glory
Regional Power: VERY HIGH
Eastern Roman Empire Alliance contains 807 nations.
On May 12th, 2007, 00 Western Roman Empire Region declared their decision to join as a Colony Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On May 23rd, 2007, Hellenic Civilization Region declared its decision to consider itself as an off-spring of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance and some of our natives colonized the new Region.
On June 7th, 2007, Hellenic Civilization Region decided to be merged with Eastern Roman Empire Region and to move all its members in ERE Region. During the months followed this was not happened in practice and thus the Region became one of the fastest growing regions inside the Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On the same day, 01 Western Roman Empire Region decided too to be merged with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance and to move its members in ERE Region.
On July 1st, 2007, the newly created Region, Ellada, declared its decision to be considered as an "off-spring" region 0f Eastern Roman Empire Alliance. On September 18th, 2007 the region ceased to exist.
On July 31st, 2007 the Roman Republic Region (RRR) declared its decision to be merged with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance and its Founder, Emperor Julius Caesar Jr was elected as a Magistratus Extraordinarii of ERE Alliance and the nations started arriving in ERE. On September 18th, 2007 the region ceased to exist.
On August 15th, 2007 Central Region declared its decision to be merged with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance and its Founder, 15 States instructed the nations to move in ERE; even though on August 26th the moody Central leader destroyed the merger success. Since then Central region was dramatically shrinked in Nation States and finally it ceased to exist.
On August 25th, 2007 Athens of Greece was created by The Republic of Socrates the Athenian and simultaneously declared its decision to be considered as Eastern Roman Empire Alliance member. On September 18th, 2007 the region ceased to exist.
On August 26th, 2007 Empire of Rome declared its decision to be considered as an off-spring of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On August 26th, 2007 Athens Region declared its decision to be considered in the framework of Nation States as an affiliated Region of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance and applied also for full membership with Alliance Defense Network (ADN:DSA).
On August 28th, 2007 The Province of Britannia Region and The Western Roman Empire Region declared their decisions to be considered in the framework of Nation States as affiliated Regions of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance. On September 20th, 2007 The Western Roman Empire Region ceased to exist, while the leader of The Province of Britannia Region was banned/ejected from the Alliance and the remaining members of his region followed him.
On September 8th, 2007 our Allied Region Athens suffered an invasion by The Last Kingdom. ERE, Hellenic Civilization and ADN:DSA forces helped to kick-out the invaders and keep Athens free.
On September 14th, 2007 The City of Troy Region declared its decision to be considered as an off-spring of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance. On September 18th the region ceased to exist.
On October 13th, 2007 The Empire of the Romans Region declared its decision through its Founder, Basileus Romeon, to be considered as an affiliated of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On October 27th, 2007 The HellenicAndRomanNationsinNS Region declared its decision through its Founder, HellenicAndRomanNations, to be merged with Eastern Roman Empire Region and its members started arriving in ERE.
On October 31st, 2007 Byzantine Empire was created as an "off-spring" of Eastern Roman Empire Region. The Region died on December 11th, 2007 but it resurrected on December 14th, 2007, to die again on January 5th, 2008. The region resurrected again and it has been conqured by the FYROMians, but Alliance army finally liberated it and incorporated in the Alliance members regions.
On November 2nd, 2007 Star Trek NS Generation was created as an "off-spring" of Eastern Roman Empire Region but its members nations moved finally on January 15th, 2008 in other Alliance Regions and the Region left to die (it was resurrected later on by another nation with no relation with the Alliance and it died again later on).
On November 30th, 2007 Greek Islands Region declared its decision through its Founder, Paros Island, to be considered as an affiliated of Eastern Roman Empire Region.
At the same day, Roma Region was created as an "off-spring" of 01 Eastern Roman Empire Region, to die a few days later. The Region resurrected by another nation after months to die again and been resurrected again by ERE Alliance and colonized by our Army.
On December 2nd, 2007 Ithaca Region became affiliated region with 01 Eastern Roman Empire Alliance. On April 10th, 2008 Ithaca has been invaded by the joined forces of FRA and TLK and it is currently fighting to preserve its independence again.
On December 25th, 2007 FYROM is not Macedonia Region was created as an "off-spring" of Eastern Roman Empire Region. The Region ceased to exist on January 5th, 2008.
On January 6th, 2008 The Council of Narnia Region declared its decision through its Founder, The Narnian Council, to be considered as an affiliated region with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance. On April 18th, 2008 the region decided to quit ERE Alliance.
On February 5th, 2008 Greece Region declared its decision through its WA Delegate, Nikolaos the Great, to be considered as an affiliated region with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance. Later on, after the occupation of the Region by the Persian Empire, Greece decided to quit Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On March 16th, 2008 Konstantinoupolis and Kypros Regions were created as "off-springs" of 01 Eastern Roman Empire Region.
On the same day Eastern Roman Empire colonized the Regions of Turkiye Cumhuriyeti, Ankara, Istanbul, FYR of Macedonia, Vardarska, Nova Macedonia, Macedonia - Skopje, Skopje, Shqiperia, Tirana, Belgrade, Chisinau, Pristina and Mitrovitsa.
On March 30th, 2008 Glorious Praetorian Empire declared its decision through its Founder, Augustus Romanus, to be considered as an affiliated region with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On April 9th, 2008 Glorious Praetorian Empire acquired the Praetorian Empire Region, which declared its decision through its Founder, Morombe, to be considered as an affiliated region with Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
On April 13th, 2008 The Last Kingdom (followed by various Allies of them) announced a War against Eastern Roman Empire Alliance, finding some ridiculous excuses (debate conflicts with Alliance Senator Fotar of the CoN, ejection of their spies in ERE and GPE etc.). Eastern Roman Empire Alliance has exposed the role of TLK in the NS world and gave a hard lesson to them.
On April 17th, 2008 our Alliance soldiers enjoyed a parade at AFTK Training Ground (heart of Military operations of The Last Kingdom, password protected region) and they gave a nice lesson about our Alliance Intelligence superiority to our enemies.
On April 18th, 2008 a series of fiasco invasions by TLK soldiers took place in Allied Regions of Greek Macedonia, Salonica, Konstantinoupolis and Istanbul colony. Our local Generals defended bravely and successfully the Regions and kicked out easily the invaders, showing to the NS world that the Axis of the Dark is not invincible as it was thought till then and that from now on it will be a habit their deafeats and humiliation.
On April 19th, 2008 the region of Achaemenid Empire was created as an "off-spring" of 01 Eastern Roman Empire Alliance Headquarters.
On July 9th the Region of Western Roman Empire declared its decision through its Founder New Caserdon to be considered as an affiliated Region of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance.
Similarly the Region of Antioch declared its decision through its Founder Antioch to be considered as an affiliated Region of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance along with its confederated regions of Edessa and Tripoli.
On July 14th the Persian Empire invaded the regions of Edessa and Tripoli and Antioch asked the Alliance Army intervention. Military froces of Eastern Roman Empire Alliance originated from Eastern Roman Empire, 01 ERE Alliance Headquarters, Empire of the Romans, Hellenic Civilization, Greek Islands, Balkan Peninsula etc. re-occupied and liberated Edessa and Tripoli, re-establishing Princess Carmesina in her throne there. The Allied forces occupied also and colonized as an exemplary punishment towards the Persians their capital cities of Babylon, Susa, Pasargadae and Ecbatana.
The Regions of Solar System, Balkan Peninsula, Environment, Republic of Greece, Republic of Cyprus etc. were also created as "off-springs" of Eastern Roman Empire and they are now part of ERE Alliance.
Today, Eastern Roman Empire Alliance consists of the following Allied Regions (and Colonies):
- Hellenic Civilization
- Eastern Roman Empire
- Glorious Praetorian Empire
- Empire of the Romans
- Solar System
- Greek Islands
- Lacedaemon
- Aegean Sea
- Western Roman Empire
- Balkan Peninsula
- Empire of Rome
- Antioch
- Konstantinoupolis
- Kypros
- Republic of Greece
- Environment
- Athens
- Olympus
- Republic of Cyprus
- Northern Cyprus
- Greek Macedonia
- Western Thrace
- Salonica
- Creta
- Holy Mountain
- Byzantine Empire
- Byzantine Glory
- Far East
- Far West
- Achaemenid Empire
- Turkiye Cumhuriyeti
- Minor Asia
- Shqiperia
- FYR of Macedonia
- Vardarska
- Nova Macedonia
- Macedonia_Skopje
- Roma
- Skopje
- Ankara
- Istanbul
- Tirana
- Belgrade
- Zagreb
- Serajevo
- Chisinau
- Pristina
- Mitrovitsa
- Podgorica
- Founderless Regions Alliance
Many times NationStates have elected our Regions - members or colonies of the Alliance - as Featured Regions (Greek Islands twice, Empire of the Romans twice, Empire of Rome, Aegean Sea, Solar System, Achaemenid Empire, ADN, Antioch, Western Roman Empire etc.), honouring our Alliance and its Glorious members Regions and Nations.
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